Euro-Atlantic Studies vol.13/2009

Euro-Atlantic Studies,Vol.13/2009

Editor:Constantin Bușe

Assistant Editor:Constantin Hlihor

Editorial Board:

  • Constantin Bușe
  • Jacques Thobie
  • Florin Constantiniu
  • Constantin Hlihor

Euro-Atlantic Studies  is published by the Centre for Euro-Atlantic Studies, Bucharest. The Centre is an academic body and owes no allegiance to government or to any political agency. It does not hold opinions of its own. The views extended in this magazine are the responsibility of the authors.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of the Editor.


1. Carmen Patricia RENETI, Emser Depesche 3
2. Stéphanie BURGAUD,1905-1914 nationalisme et politique La rapture germano-russe et la fin d’un mythe 9
3. Constantin BUȘE, Nicolae Titulescu y las relaciones rumano-iberoamericanas 21
4. Gheorghe BUZATU, Petroleum and the World War of 1939-1945 (II) 37
5. Florin FUGARU, La question macédonienne et les rapports politiques entre la Yougoslavie et la Grèce au lendemain de la deuxième guerre mondiale d’apres une documentation française 73
6. Alin MATEI, The London Conference of Foreign Ministers (September-October 1945) and the Peace Treaties with Germany’s Former Allies (I) 83
7. Emilia Robin HIVERT, La France et l’Europe de l’Est, 1945-1949 entre méfiance et renouveau 103
8. Jacques THOBIE, La Turquie et le plan Marshall 121
9. Robert PĂIUȘAN, Maurice Faure et les negociations des Traités de Rome 133
10. Dumitru MAZILU, The Balance of Powers at Global Level 137
11. Book review 141

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