Euro-Atlantic Studies Vol.3/2000

Euro-Atlantic Studies,Vol.3/2000

Editor:Constantin Bușe

Assistant Editor:Constantin Hlihor

Editorial Board:

  • Constantin Bușe
  • Florin Constantiniu
  • Ltc. Kirk Murray (USA)
  • Constantin Hlihor
  • Ion Bulei
  • Steluța Arhire
  • Marian Ștefănescu
  • Valentin Stan
  • Mihai Dobre
  • Bogdan Antoniu
  • Alin Matei

Euro-Atlantic Studies is published by the Centre for Euro-Atlantic Studies, Bucharest. The Centre is an academic body and owes no allegiance to government or to any political agency. It does not hold opinions of its own. The views extended in this magazine are the responsibility of the authors.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of the Editor.



1. Director’s Column, European Security Policy 3
2. Constantin HLIHOR, The actors within the power equation of the system of international relations 5
3. M.M. NARINSKIJ – L’Origine della guerra fredda 15
4. Bogdan ANTONIU – The Origins of the Cold War A Historiographical Review 33
5. Alin MATEI – The Moscow Conference. The End of an Era 47
6. Teodor MELEŞCANU – The International Court of Justice in the New Global Context 59
7. Dumitru MAZILU – Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy 65
8. Raluca MANOLACHE – La Mondialisation quels enjeux pour les pays en voie de développement 77
9. Georgiana SCURTU – L’OSCE et l’OTAN une approche institutionnelle 85
10. Xavier GERARD – La Nouvelle Europe – La Roumanie 97
11. Constantin-Gheorghe BALABAN – Impact of Globalization and Regionalism on the Good Neighborly Relationship Between States 109
12. Oana C. POPA – The Economic Dimension of Security in Southeastern Europe (SEE) 115
13. Andreea Loredana BUŞĂ – The Stability Pact for Southeastern Europe – An Overview 123
14. Book review 129

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