Euro-Atlantic Studies vol.7/2004

Euro-Atlantic Studies,Vol.7/2004

Editor:Constantin Bușe

Assistant Editor:Constantin Hlihor

Editorial Board:

  • Constantin Bușe
  • Florin Constantiniu
  • Constantin Hlihor
  • Ion Bulei
  • Steluța Arhire
  • Marian Ștefănescu
  • Valentin Stan
  • Mihai Dobre
  • Bogdan Antoniu
  • Alin Matei

Euro-Atlantic Studies  is published by the Centre for Euro-Atlantic Studies, Bucharest. The Centre is an academic body and owes no allegiance to government or to any political agency. It does not hold opinions of its own. The views extended in this magazine are the responsibility of the authors.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of the Editor.


1. Jacques THOBIE, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk et la politique extérieure de la Turquie républicaine 3
2. Gheorghe BUZATU, Marusia CÎRSTEA – Romania and the Great Powers on the Eve of War (Tilea’s Case) 11
3. Cristina NEDELCU – The Legitimacy of Nasser’s Ideology during Eisenhower Administration 21
4. Ionuţ ALEXE – The United States-United Kingdom Relations (1961-1962) 27
5. Mihaela MUSTĂŢEA – Turkey and European Union 41
6. Constantin MARINESCU – La Participation de l’Armée roumaine aux opérations de gestion des crises sous le mandat des Organisations Internationales 57
7. Vasilica MUCEA – The Limits of the Direct Effect of Directives 65
8. Adrian POP – Regionalism, Sub-regionalism and Security in the Black Sea Region Research Summary 75
9. Iulia ANTONIAN – Geo-strategic Evolutions in Black Sea Region 83
10. Teodora MOȘOIU – NATO, US and the EU in the Changing International Environment 91
11. Dan CIUPALĂ – An Overview of Political and Economical Aspects of the European Union Enlargement 95
12. Mihaela Augustina DUMITRAŞCU – The European Union and the United Nations Organization – Working Together Towards Achieving Common Goals 101
13. Dumitru MAZILU – Peace – A Dialectic Process 111
14. Constantin BUŞE, Constantin HLIHOR – Security Paradigm Between Classic and Modern 117
15. Euro-Atlantic Integration: an instrument for stability 123
16. Book review 125

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