Euro-Atlantic Studies vol.5/2002

Euro-Atlantic Studies,Vol.5/2002

Editor:Constantin Bușe

Assistant Editor:Constantin Hlihor

Editorial Board:

  • Constantin Bușe
  • Florin Constantiniu
  • Constantin Hlihor
  • Ion Bulei
  • Steluța Arhire
  • Marian Ștefănescu
  • Valentin Stan
  • Mihai Dobre
  • Bogdan Antoniu
  • Alin Matei

Euro-Atlantic Studies  is published by the Centre for Euro-Atlantic Studies, Bucharest. The Centre is an academic body and owes no allegiance to government or to any political agency. It does not hold opinions of its own. The views extended in this magazine are the responsibility of the authors.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of the Editor.



1. Director’s Column 3
2. Vasile PUȘCAȘ, The accession negotiations of Romania to the European Union. Complexity in approaches and results 5
3. Radu TUDORANCEA – The EU Enlargement and its Consequences 11
4. Adrian POP – Reviewing South East European Security Co-operation 21
5. Teodora MOŞOIU – How Might the Final Status of Kosovo, the Future of Montenegro 31
6. Roxana TUDORANCEA – European Security and Defence Identity (ESDI) and European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP) – Contradictions and Accomodation 39
7. George ANGLIŢOIU – The Unfinished Beginning of CFSP 55
8. Teodor MELEŞCANU – Romania’s Accession to NATO after the Prague Summit 63
9. Dumitru MAZILU – NATO Activated Article 5 of North Atlantic Treaty. Romania – An Active Factor of Antiterrorist Coalition 67
10. Valeriu TUDOR – The New Economy – Some New Threats to Security 73
11. Valentin STAN – The Political Economy of Security: The EU and the USA at the Crossroads 85
12. Cristian JURA – Legal Dimension of the Fight against Terrorism 93
13. Teodor FRUNZETI – Forces and Trends Influencing Today’s World Changes 101
14. Iulia TĂTARU – La Position du parti Socialiste Français face à la construction européenne – la question de l’emploi 113
15. Bogdan AURESCU, Elena PARIS – The European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Romania and the Bilateral Negotiations with Ukraine 137
16. Book review 145

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