Euro-Atlantic Studies, New Series Vol.3/2020
Editorial Board:
Editors: Bogdan Antoniu, Alin Matei
Managing Editor: Mihaela Mustățea
Editorial Assistant: Teodora Vîrlan
Scientific Board:
- Ion Chiper („Nicolae Iorga” History Institute)
- Constantin Hlihor („Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University)
- Ernest H. Latham Jr. (Foreign Service Institute, U.S Department of State)
- Marian Ștefănescu (University of Bucharest)
Euro-Atlantic Studies is published by the Centre for Euro-Atlantic Studies, Bucharest. The Centre is an academic body that owes no allegiance to a government or political agency. It does not hold opinions of its own. The views extended in this magazine are the responsibility of the authors.
ISSN online:2602-1781
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