Euro-Atlantic Studies vol.10/2006

Euro-Atlantic Studies,Vol.10/2006

Editor:Constantin Bușe

Assistant Editor:Constantin Hlihor

Editorial Board:

  • Constantin Bușe
  • Jacques Thobie
  • Florin Constantiniu
  • Constantin Hlihor
  • Ion Bulei
  • Steluța Arhire
  • Marian Ștefănescu
  • Valentin Stan
  • Mihai Dobre
  • Bogdan Antoniu
  • Alin Matei

Euro-Atlantic Studies  is published by the Centre for Euro-Atlantic Studies, Bucharest. The Centre is an academic body and owes no allegiance to government or to any political agency. It does not hold opinions of its own. The views extended in this magazine are the responsibility of the authors.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of the Editor.


1. Florin N. ȘINCA, Annexion de lʾAllemagne (lʾAnschluss) dans la correspondance diplomatique roumaine 3
2. Laurențiu-Cristian DUMITRU, Romanian “Dissidence” Within the Warsaw Pact 1955-1968. Perception on Both Communist and Western Sides 11
3. Ion CALAFETEANU, La Roumanie, l’Organisation des Nations Unies et le conflict du Proche Orient (juin- juillest 1967) 29
4. Sime PIROTICI, Serbia’s Geostrategy- From Everything To Nothing 33
5. Constantin Emil BUCUR, Primary Sources of the European Community Law: Institutive Treaties of the European Communities 43
6. Mădălina Virginia ANTONESCU, Preemptive Action, From the International Law Perspective  55
7. Виктор Борисович Кириллов, Организация Черноморского экономического сотрудничества как фактор стабильного регионального развития в условиях интеграционных процессов в  Европе 73
8. Valeriu FRUNZARU, Solidarity-Equity Dialectic in the European Union 89
9. Victor POPA, Realism Versus Reality. The United States’ Foreign Policy- the liberal controversy of realism 97
10. Dumitru MAZILU, Norms on Organization and Conducting War 107
11. Hajredin KUCI, The Events in Kosovo Leading to its Formal Independence from Serbia and Former Yugoslavia 117
12. Hans-Juergen ZAHORKA, Loreta Robertina GHERMAN, European Economic Interest Grouping (EEIG): A legal instrument specific to the European Union for transnational interprofessional cooperation between economic operators 131
13. Petre OPRIȘ, A Dispute at the Consultative Political Committee Meeting of the Warsaw Treaty Organization: Nicolae Ceaușescu- Marshal Viktor G. Kulikov (Berlin, May 28-29, 1987) I 139
14. Book review 153

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