Euro-Atlantic Studies New Series 6/2023

Euro-Atlantic Studies New Series 6/2023

Editorial Board:

Editors: Bogdan Antoniu, Alin Matei, Mihaela Mustățea

Editorial Assistants: Victor Nicolăescu, Teodora Vîrlan

Scientific Board:

  • Ion Chiper (“Nicolae Iorga” History Institute)
  • Constantin Hlihor (“Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University)
  • Ernest H. Latham Jr. (Foreign Service Institute, U.S Department of State)
  • Marian Ștefănescu (University of Bucharest)

Euro-Atlantic Studies is published by the Centre for Euro-Atlantic Studies, Bucharest. The Centre is an academic body that owes no allegiance to a government or political agency. It does not hold opinions of its own. The views extended in this magazine are the responsibility of the authors.

1. Stefania-Teodora COCORA partnership in time of crisis: U.S. – Ukraine relations during the Obama administration; 7
2. Alice SPRÎNCEANĂ, Putin’s Playbook: A Comparison between the Russo-Georgian War and the ongoing Russo-Ukrainian War; 45
3. Paul MÂNDRAȘ, Cezar VASILESCU, Digital security-emphasizing the need for a new comprehensive theoretical approach of cybernetic security due to society digitalization. Glimpses of digitalization in the Balck Sea region; 69
4. Alex BERCA, Geopolitical, geostrategic trilaterally, and geoeconomics of the two Seas: Baltic and Black Sea: The interest of the Russian Federation in these areas; 115
5. Bogdan ANTONIU, Mihaela MUSTĂȚEA, NATO’s Nordic Enlargement with Finland and Sweden in the context of the Ukraine war  151
6.  Mihail DOBRE, The Security of the Pontic-Baltic Region and  Russia’s Great Power Status; 169
7. Book review 179



ISSN online:2602-1781

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